英語で学ぼう! ハロウインの歴史: ゲストのスピーチと参加者の感想 (The three speeches about Halloween)

2015年度  ワージントン市交流部会公開講座 10月18日(日)場所: 中央公民館

狭山市国際交流協会 ワージントン市交流部会が下記講座を開催しました。The seminar held by Worthington Chapter of SIFA on October 18th 2015 (Sunday). 

The  participants’ comments  are posted after the three speeches.

“英語で学ぼう! ハロウインの歴史 とハロウィンの楽しみ方”ゲスト3名のスピーチと参加者の感想を掲載しました。(Today, Halloween is a modern holiday about costumes ~~)


“Let’s learn about the history of Halloween and how to celebrate Halloween”

The seminar held by Worthington Chapter of SIFA on October 18th 2015 (Sunday).



Lia Sergio Odell              History of Halloween

David Odell                     Halloween in his childhood.

Andrew Smallacombe     Halloween in Australia

(The participants’ comments  are posted after the speeches.)


Lia Sergio Odell (リア セルジオ オデル)

HALLOWEEN   ( History)

Today, Halloween is a modern holiday about costumes and candy.  But, it wasn’t always like that. It has changed a lot in the past 2000 years. First, it was an ancient Celtic holiday called Samhain (“sow-in”), about the changing seasons, ghosts, spirits, and sacrifice. It used to be a very serious day of ritual.  Now, it’s a time for parties, costumes and candy.


In ancient times, in Ireland, the beginning of winter was the beginning of the New Year. At that time, the end of harvest was celebrated. It was a change of seasons, from harvest to winter. Harvest represents life, and winter represents death, and so they believed that day was also a bridge to the world of the supernatural.  It was a time of both celebration and superstition. For Samhain, people lit bonfires and wore costumes to deceive ghosts and keep them away.


In the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church made November 1st a holiday. It is still called All Saints’ Day.  This is a day to honor all the saints and martyrs in Christianity.  At first, this day was called All-hallowmas (which means All Saints’ Day).  The night before it (Oct 31) was called All-hallows Eve (like Christmas Eve, the evening before Christmas).  This eventually turned into Halloween (“-een” is from “evening” – “even” – “een”). That is why we call it Halloween.

(何百年後、)中世になると、ローマンカトリックは11月1日を祭日としました。その日はオールセインツデーと呼ばれました。 これはすべてのキリスト教の聖人と殉教者を崇める日でした。 最初これはオールハロウマスと呼ばれていました。すべての聖人の日と言う意味でした。その前夜はオールハロウマス イヴとよばれました。クリスマスイヴ、クリスマスの前夜のように、このEveningがeenになり、結果としてHalloweenになり、現在Halloweenと呼ばれるのです。

As people immigrated from Europe to America, Halloween spread and became more popular, especially in the 1800s, when many Irish people went to America.


Now, Halloween is a secular, community-based event with many activities for children and families, such as trick-or-treating. These days, it is the second largest commercial holiday in the USA.

現在、ハロウィンは宗教と関係ない、地域に根差したイベントで、子供や家族のためのたくさんの行事、例えば、トッリクオアトリーティングなどがあります。最近のアメリカではハロウィンは 商業的には2番目に大きな祭日です。

The tradition of trick-or-treating started out as a custom when All Souls(Saints) Day was a new holiday.  Poor people would beg for food from rich families.  The rich families gave them pastries called “soul cakes”.  In return, the poor people promised to pray for the families’ dead relatives’ spirits.


Another tradition is making Jack-o-lanterns. This comes from the legend of a man called Stingy Jack. Stingy Jack tricked the devil, and so when Jack died, he was not allowed into Heaven because he associated with the devil, but also he was not allowed into Hell because the devil was angry with him.


So, the devil gave his spirit only a burning coal to light his way as he wandered through the earth.  Stingy Jack picked up a pumpkin, put the coal inside and carries that with him as his lantern, as he roams through the earth.  So, people called those pumpkins Jack of the Lantern, or Jack o’Lantern.


Ghost stories are popular on Halloween.  One of America’s most famous ghosts is the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated.  Many people have said that he can still be seen sometimes pacing around the White House.


(★)The whole legend of stingy Jack(スティンジー・ジャックの伝説のすべて)

Stingy Jack was a miserable, old drunk who loved playing tricks on anyone and everyone.  One dark, Halloween night, Jack ran into the Devil himself in a local public house.  Jack tricked the Devil by offering his soul in exchange for one last drink.  The Devil quickly turned himself into a sixpence to pay the bartender, but Jack immediately snatched the coin and deposited it into his pocket, next to a silver cross that he was carrying.  Thus, the Devil could not change himself back and Jack refused to allow the Devil to go free until the Devil had promised not to claim Jack’s soul for ten years.

スティンジー・ジャックは気の毒な年寄りの酔っぱらいでした。彼は誰かれなく、からかうのが大好きでした。 あるハロウィンの夜、ジャックは地元のパブで悪魔に偶然出会いました。ジャックは悪魔に「最後のお酒一杯をご馳走してくれれば、自分の魂をあげるよ。」とからかいました。悪魔はバーテンダーにお金を払うために自分を6ペンス硬貨に変えました。しかしジャックは素早くその硬貨を奪い、自分のポケットの中にしまいました。ポケットには銀の十字架が入っていて、悪魔は(十字架のせいで)自分の体を元に戻すことが出来なくなり、ジャックは悪魔が10年間は「ジャックの魂をよこせ。」と言わないと約束するまで悪魔を自由にすることを拒否しました。

The Devil agreed, and ten years later Jack again came across the Devil while out walking on a country road.  The Devil tried collecting what he was due, but Jack thinking quickly, said, “I’ll go, but before I do, will you get me an apple from that tree?”


The Devil, thinking he had nothing to lose, jumped up into the tree to retrieve an apple.  As soon as he did, Jack placed crosses all around the trunk of the tree, thus trapping the Devil once again. This time, Jack made the Devil promise that he would not take his soul when he finally died. Seeing no way around his predicament, the Devil grudgingly agreed.

悪魔は自分がもう失うものは何もないと考え、木に飛び乗り、林檎を一つ取りました。 その時、悪魔が林檎をとるや否や、ジャックは木の幹のあらゆるところに十字架を置きました。そして、再び、悪魔を閉じ込めました。この時、ジャックは悪魔にジャックが死んだ時、ジャックの魂を取らないことを約束させました。 悪魔はこの苦境から抜け出る道は他にないと考え、恨みながらそのことに同意しました。

When Stingy Jack eventually passed away several years later, he went to the Gates of Heaven, but was refused entrance because of his life of drinking and because he had been so tight-fisted and deceitful. So, Jack then went down to Hell to see the Devil and find out whether it were possible to gain entrance into the depths of Hell, but the Devil kept the promise that had been made to Jack years earlier, and would not let him enter.”But where can I go?” asked Jack. ”Back to where you came from!” replied the Devil.

数年後、スティンジー・ジャックは亡くなりました。彼は天国の門のところに行きました。しかし、入るのを断られました。なぜなら、彼の人生は酒ばかり飲んでいて、ケチで人をよくだましたからです。そこで、ジャックは次に地獄へ行き、悪魔に会いました。そして悪魔に地獄へ行けるかどうか尋ねました。しかし、悪魔はジャックとの約束を守り、彼を入れようとはしませんでした。「わしはどこへ行ったらいいのじゃ?とジャックは悪魔に尋ねました。悪魔は答えました。 「自分が来たところにお帰り。」

The way back was windy and very dark.  Stingy Jack pleaded with the Devil to at least provide him with a light to help find his way.  The Devil, as a final gesture, tossed Jack an ember (burning coal☆1) straight from the fires of Hell.  Jack placed the ember in a hollowed-out turnip(pumpkin☆2) one of Jack’s favorite foods which he always carried around with him whenever he could steal one.  From that day forward, Stingy Jack has been doomed to roam the earth without a resting place and with only his lit turnip(pumpkin) ☆to light the way in the darkness.

帰り路は風が強く吹いていて暗かったです。スティジンー・ジャックはせめて、道が探せるように、明りがほしいと悪魔に懇願しました。悪魔は最後に地獄の火をまっすぐジャックに投げました。ジャックは中身をくりぬいた蕪の中に、その火を入れました。 蕪はジャックの大好きな物の一つで、いつもそれを盗める時は盗んで持っていました。それ以来、スティンジー・ジャックは暗闇を照らす蕪のみを持って、休息する場所もなしに、永遠に地球を彷徨し続ける運命になったのです。

☆(1)burning coal(燃えている石炭)=ember(地獄の火の残り火)


(Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat.)



David Odell(デヴィッド オデル)

“Halloween in America”   

1) My earliest memories of Halloween are from the time around before I started kindergarten.  I remember that my mom made a simple costume for me, an angel costume, and then we drove around to our neighbors’ houses, if their lights were on.  There, of course, we’d ring the doorbell or knock and then ask for candy, that is: Trick-or-treat.  At that age, I think, my mom would keep the candy, of which there was only a little because we only have a few neighbors, and give me a little as an occasional treat.

1) ハロウィンの私の一番古い思い出は、幼稚園に入る前です。母が簡単な天使のコスチュームを作ってくれたことを憶えています。その時、 車で近所を回り、そこの家の電気がついていたら、 ノックしてドアのベルを鳴らしてお菓子を頼みました。それがトリックオアトリートでした。その頃はお母さんが私の貰ったお菓子を持っていてくれていたと思います。我が家の近くに住んでいる人は少なかったので、あまりお菓子を貰えなかったのですが、母は後でそのお菓子を私に時々ご褒美としてくれました。

2) When I was a little older, in elementary school and intermediate school (1st grade through 5th grade), the biggest differences involved my own autonomy – my ability to choose things for myself.

2) 少し大きくなって1年生から5年生頃になると、大きな違いは何でも自分で決めるようになったことです。自分のために自分で決めることが出来るようになったことです。

3) For one, I was able to choose my own costume.  I remember being a black cat with just a mask, tail, and black clothes.

I remember being a soldier – a very cheap, plastic costume bought from Wal-mart.

3) 一つは自分で自分のコスチュームを選ぶことが出来るようになりました。わたしは、マスク、シッポ、黒い洋服でクロネコになったこと覚えています。


4) In third or fourth grade, my mom and dad helped me make a rather advanced robot costume out of boxes and maybe some blinking lights.  I mainly recall that it was very hard to walk in, but I went Trick-or-treating in town with another friend dressed as a robot, and had a pretty good time.

4) 3年生か4年生の時、父と母が手伝ってくれて、箱で作った、点滅するライトを付けた、かなりレベルの高いロボットを作りました。よく覚えているのは、とても歩きにくかったと言うことです。それでもわたしはもう一人のロボットの服を着た友達と町にトリックオアトリーティングに行き、楽しかったです。

5) And that was another big change from earlier; instead of just being driven around our neighbors’ houses along our rural road, we’d drive into the town, Lebanon, my parents or my friends’ parents would drive us to a neighborhood, and we’d Trick-or-treat independently for the most part.

5) 前と大きく違う点は、わたし達の田舎の道路ぞいの近隣の家を車で回る代わりに、うちの両親か、友達の両親にレバノン町に連れて行っていってもらい、そこでトリック オアトリーティングに自分たちだけで行ったことです。

6) And, very happily, I could control my own candy intake, mostly.  I vaguely remember that at that age, our school might have a dress-up day around Halloween, when you could wear a costume to school and maybe exchange a little candy which we would bring in.

6) その頃になると、うれしい事にわたしはいただいたほとんどのお菓子を、自分で自由にできるようになりました。ぼんやりと憶えているのは、学校でもハロウィンの頃、仮装して行ける日があり、そして自分が持っていったわずかなお菓子を交換できた日があったと言うことです。

7) Middle school for me (6th grade through 8th grade) began the time when kids started to think that Halloween was a little kids’ holiday and that they should dissociate themselves from it.

I think a friend and I wore capes and carried wooden swords and shields in 6th grade and went Trick-or-treating in town, largely on our own, but that was probably the last time.

7) 小学6年から中学2年ぐらいになると、子供たちは「ハロウィンは小さな子どもたちのお祭りだ」と考え始めるものでした。そしてそれから離れようとするものでした。小学6年生の頃、私と友達はケープをはおり、木の刀を持って、広く町をトリック・オア・トリーティングに行きました。それが多分最後だったと思います。

8) From that time on, pretty much any engagement I had with Halloween was in the form of the occasional Halloween party.  Because, as I said, we lived far from town, my parents hosted a Halloween party twice or maybe three times.

8) その頃から私は時たま、パーティと言う形でハロウィンに関わりました。なぜなら前にも申しあげましたが、私の両親は町から遠く離れたところに住んでいて、自宅で2・3回ほどパーティを開いたからです。

9) They’d prepare some food, snacks, probably some alcohol for the adults, and some party favors, and then they would invite the families of neighbors and friends to come to our house and enjoy themselves.  I remember quite a lot of fun surrounding those parties, but I think they must have been hard work for my parents to organize.

9)  私の両親は自宅に食べ物、スナック、多分、大人用にお酒とパーティ用の小さなプレゼントを用意して、近所の人や友達を招待して楽しんだものでした。


10) During high school and college, I would occasionally go to a Halloween party, but I only sometimes dressed up – only in the cases where I could think of a humorous costume idea that I could make myself.

10) 高校と大学ではコスチュームを着て時々ハロウィンパーティに行きました。それは自分で作ることが出来て、なおかつユーモアのあるコスチュームを考えついた時のみでした。

11) Overall, a Halloween party might not be very different from any other party except that people might be in costume.  There are a few, somewhat traditional Halloween party activities though: bobbing for apples, telling scary stories, or even a “haunted trail,” which is one thing we did at our house because there are some woods behind our back yard.

11) 全体的に見て、ただ、皆仮装していくだけでハロウィンパーティは他のパーティとあまり変わらないと思います。でも、伝統的なハロウインパーティの遊びとして、「ボビングフォアップルズ」(バケツに水を入れ林檎をたくさん浮かべて口で取る遊び)、「恐い話を話すこと」、「お化けの道」、などがあります。「お化けの道」と言うのは良く遊びました。と言うのは自宅の裏庭に林があったからです。

12) Haunted trails, haunted hayrides, haunted houses, or haunted factories are a more popular Halloween-time activity for older kids and adults.

12) 「呪われた道」、「呪われた干し草を載せたトラックでの遠乗り」、「呪われた家」、「呪われた工場」などは大人にも子供にも人気のあるハロウィンの遊びです。

13) The general idea with these is to have a trail for walking or being driven along (as in a hayride) which is decorated in spooky, scary, or creepy themes, including costumed actors who often hide and scare people as they pass by.

13) これらは一般的にいうと、恐ろしい、恐い、気味悪いことをテーマに散歩道あるは道路(干し草を積んだ車を運転していく道)を飾ったり、あるいは、仮装した俳優が隠れていたりして、通り過ぎる人々を怖がらせると言うものです。

14) There is a wide range of such activities, especially in the Mid west, but they can be very frightening, especially at night, so I think of them as more for young adults and older children.  I was never a big fan of that kind of thing, but I always had a friend or family member who wanted to go to one, so I’ve experienced most varieties.

However, I prefer the non-scary counterpart to these; you can, for example, take a hayride along a forest path to enjoy the fall colors.

14)  特に中西部に多いのですがハロウィンの遊びは色々あります。これらは特に夜などは、人をとても怖がらせるので、若い人々か年上の子供たちの遊びです。私はこのようなものはあまり好きではなかったのです。でも家族とか友達が行きたがったので、私も一緒に行き、それらのほとんどを経験しています。


15) Around my hometown, this is often paired with one of the most famous Halloween traditions, picking out pumpkins from a pumpkin patch to carve.  I think I carved pumpkins almost every year until I left for college.  This might be unique to me because my mom is quite artistic and even still loves to carve pumpkins at Halloween.

15)  私の生まれた町では、かぼちゃ畑からかぼちゃをとってきて,彫るというのが、もうひとつのとても有名なハロウィンの伝統でした。 私は大学へ行くために家を去るまで、毎年彫っていました。これは私にとってとても特別なことでした。と言うのは、私の母はとてもアートの才能ある人だったからです。今でも、母はハロウィンのかぼちゃを彫るのが大好きなのです。

16) The last time I was in America at Halloween was the year before I came to Japan.  Before that, I hadn’t been there in 5 years.  Since I was quite a bit older then, I found myself on the other side of the transaction.  That is, I was handing out candy to kids who came and rang our doorbell.

16) アメリカにおける最後のハロウィンは私が日本に来る1年前でした。それ以前の5年間は、私はアメリカにいませんでした。自分が少し年を取ったと言うことで、その頃はもう一方の立場にいました。 つまり、私はドアベルを鳴らす子供たちにお菓子を上げる側にいたのです。

17) But it wasn’t just at our house; we went to the house of a friend in town, had some food and drinks while we chatted and waited for kids to come by.  It was quite a different experience than those I had in elementary school, but it was still a lot of fun.

17) それは我が家だけでなく、町に住む友達の家に行ったときなど、食べ物と飲み物をいただきながらおしゃべりして、子供たちが来るのを待っていたものです。 自分が小学校の時の経験とは全く違っていましたが、でもそれはとても楽しいものでした。


Andrew Smallacombe (アンドリュー スモーラコーム)


1)Before I begin, I’d like to thank SIFA for asking me to come to speak here, especially given the nature of my speech.


2)As an English teacher in Japan I have often been asked to do something special for Halloween.  Usually it is a Halloween themed game, but sometimes the request is basically the one SIFA sent me: “Please talk about how you celebrate Halloween in your country.”


3)The difficulty in this kind of case it that the person who asked the question is not prepared for the answer: basically, we don’t.

OK, that statement needs a little more qualification.  Essentially, Halloween is not an important date in Australia.  Many calendars printed do not mention Halloween at all, or mark it as a minor date.  For those of my generation or older, it was largely seen as a foreign cultural import.  We all were aware of it, largely due to its inclusion in American films and TV programs, and sometimes it would come up in a social studies class.  Urban nightclubs and cinemas would try to cash in by having Halloween nights, and some people threw fancy-dress parties to coincide with the date, but the making of Jack-o-lanterns and trick-or-treating was not done at all.


詳しくいいますと、オーストラリアでは、カレンダーにはハロウィンの日は書かれていないし、その日はただの日なのです。 私たちの世代とその上の人たちにとって、ハロウィンは外国からもたらされたものでした。確かに、ハロウィンについて、アメリカの映画やテレビの影響で広く知られていました。また、学校の社会科でも教えられました。 また、都会のナイトクラブや映画館では商業目的でハロウィンナイトを企画するので、人々はその日付に合わせて仮装パーティを行ったものでした。でも、ジャックオーランタンを彫ったりすることや、トリックオアトリーティングは全く行われていませんでした。

4)There seem to be two main reasons for the Halloween’s lack of popularity in Australia.   One is the seasonal difference – the notion of a harvest festival seems out of place at time when harvest is several months away, although the seasonal difference has never stopped the exchange of Christmas cards depicting snowy scenes.


一つは季節の違いです。ハロウィンの収穫に関係したお祭りだと言うイメージが、10月31日(春)と言うのはオーストラリアでは収穫時期の何カ月も前なので、ハロウィンは場違いに感じられるからです。 まあ、クリスマスに関しては、オーストラリア人は季節の違いを度外視していて、夏に雪景色のクリスマスカードを平気で送り合うのが、けっして、途絶えることがないのですけど。

5)The second factor is British influence in Australia’s formative years.  The very same reason Australians like to put up a Christmas tree may be the very same reason they have rejected Halloween – Queen Victoria.  Victorian principles held a dislike for extravagance and there was some attempt to rid Britain of Halloween celebrations, right at the time when settlers from Britain were making up the majority of the population in Australia.  Had the New Holland colonies begun a couple of decades earlier or ended a couple of decades later, Australia may well have been a Halloween-loving nation.



6)From the 21st century, there has been an increase in people (especially kids) celebrating Halloween.  This has led to some friction between people who want to go trick-or-treating and those who want nothing to do with Halloween.  My own parents were confounded by a group of kids in costumes knocking on their door a couple of years ago.21世紀に入ってから、ハロウィンを祝う人々が増えてきました。特に、子供たちがハロウィンを祝うようになりました。これがトリックオアリートティングに行きたい人と、ハロウィンに何もしたくない人との間に摩擦が起きました。


7)So, what do Australians celebrate around Halloween?  Looking on the list of national and state holidays, I can find only two significant dates in October, and one of those is the AFL grand final Friday, which is a holiday in Victoria this year.  Victorians love football.

オーストラリア人がハロウィンの頃に何か祝う行事があるかというと、10月の国や州の祝日リストをみると、二つあって、その一つは、ビクトリアのオーストラリア フットボール・グランド・ファイナル・フライデーでしょうか。今年はビクトリア州では祝日でした。ビクトリア州の人はフットボールが好きなのです。

8)Melbourne and Adelaide have their royal agricultural shows (a kind of fair) in September, the Perth Royal Show is held in the last week of September or first week in October, and Hobart holds its show in October.  Sub-tropical Brisbane holds its show in August, tropical Darwin holds its show in July, while Sydney is the only capital city to have a Royal Agricultural Show in autumn.


熱帯気候のダーウインは7月(冬)に開催します。そして、シドニーは王立農業祭を秋(4  5  6月)に開催する唯一の州都です。

9)Being from around Adelaide, the only other October event that springs to mind is the McLaren Vale bushing festival, an event in which the new wine is judged.  I actually used to live in that area, and remember how busy the roads were on weekends with people from the city on wine tasting tours.

わたしはアデレード出身なので、10月(春と言うと、新しいワインを品評するマクラーレンヴェール野外祭が思い浮かびます。 実際その近くに住んでいたので、都市の方から、週末にワイン テイスティング ツアーに来る人々で道路が混んでいたのを憶えています。

10)As for celebrations and events in autumn, Australia is fairly bereft in this area – the only two that come to mind are the Easter long weekend and ANZAC Day.  Neither of these have any particular relationship to autumn.  Easter is a religious celebration based on the northern hemisphere spring, and ANZAC Day is the day to remember our war dead.


11)In short, the celebration of Halloween in Australia is very much like the celebration in Japan – a recent phenomenon, more commercial than cultural.  and, for people like me, irrelevant.

簡単にいいますと、ハロウィンはオーストラリアにおいては、日本と同じようになっています。 つまり、最近みられる現象のように、ハロウインは商業目的に盛り上げられていて、昔から人々が行ってきた文化に根差したものではないと言うことです。そして、わたしのような人々には、それはあまり関係ないのです。

12)I hope that you now appreciate my position when people ask me to do something special for Halloween just because I happen to be a speaker of English.  It is much like me asking you to talk about bonsai, Shugendo or Yakumaru Jigen Ryu


単に、たまたま、わたしが英語を話すからと言って、ハロウィンに関してなにか特別なことをお願いされると言う事は、日本人に 盆栽とか、修験道とか、薬丸自顕流についてお話ししてくださいと頼むことと同じようなものなのです。

Thank you for listening. ご静聴を感謝します。





★薬丸自顕流(やくまるじげんりゅう)とは薩摩藩士・薬丸兼陳(やくまる けんちん)が示現流修めた後、家伝の野太刀の技を元に編み出した古流剣術である。野太刀自顕流(のだちじげんりゅう)、野太刀示現流薬丸流薬丸派示現流または単に自顕流とも呼ばれる。伊藤政夫によれば、「野太刀自顕流」が正式名称であるとされる。読みが同じな上に、盛んな地域も同じ薩摩のため、しばしば示現流と混同される。



The participants comments:


先日は、貴重な講座をありがとうございます。3人のネイティヴ講師の方々が、それぞれの視点で ハロウィンについて 語って下さいました。ハロウィンの移り変わり、歴史やJack-o-lanternsの意味、ハロウィンイベント経験談, 又 国によっては、それ程ハロウィンが、ポピュラーではないことなど、英語で、解説して下さいました。通訳もして下さり、大変 理解しやすいものでした。又、ハンドアウトや お面、お菓子も用意されていて、本当にありがたい講座でした。 このような講座は、これから、英語を学ぶ学生さんも参加されると、とても勉強になると思います。

Thank you for the valuable seminar you held the other day.  The three speakers talked about Halloween from each of their different points of view, such as the history of Halloween and how it has changed, the meaning of Jack-O- Lanterns, and their personal experiences of Halloween.  One speaker explained that it is not so popular in his country.  They all spoke in English and we had Japanese translation.  It was very easy to understand.  Some written materials, masks and candy had been prepared for us.  I appreciated the seminar very much.  This kind of seminar would be very beneficial for students who are studying English.


三人のゲストスピーカー共に非常に興味深いスピーチでした。 新たな知見もありました。

The three speakers’ presentations were very interesting and I learned some new things.



From Andrew’s speech we learned about the relationship between Holland and Australia. It was very interesting.

I remember some historical things.  In the 17th century, Holland was a powerful navy country.  Holland first discovered the continent of Australia and named it Holland.  So Australia was called New Holland at the time when British people started immigrating there.

Holland also discovered New York.  For the same reason, New York, which was Holland’s colony at that time, was called New Amsterdam.



The speeches presented at the Halloween seminar were very good.

They helped us understand the speakers’ different views in context of their home countries.


I think Andrew brought out the British historical background to demonstrate that Halloween is not really Australian culture but it is part of American culture.


それは、一人の参加者の「アメリカは広いのだから、かぼちゃを栽培しない地域もあるでしょう?」という質問に対するお答えの部分です。Liaさんは、Halloweenはコマーシャリズムで広まった事を説明せざるを得なかったわけです。そこにDavidさんのプレゼンテーションを重ね合わせると、アメリカ人も「Halloweenはアメリカ独自の文化であって、(不本意ながら?) 現在では世界中で祝うイベントになっている」と感じているように思えました。(日本でもハロウィン商戦はバレンタイン商戦に迫る規模になっているようです。)

On the other hand, Andrew’s opinion was backed up by Lia and David.

When one participant asked about pumpkins, saying that pumpkins could not have been grown all over the US, Lia explained that the commercialism of the holiday enables Halloween to be so popular all over the USA.

I understand from David’s presentation and Lia’s answer that Americans think of Halloween as being their own culture.  However, it is celebrated all over the world, even though they may not have intended this.  Nowadays it is the second biggest business commercial holiday in Japan next to Valentine’s Day.


I sensed a kind of American spirit or nostalgic feeling.  The first immigrants risked their lives when they immigrated to America from Europe and they valued their customs which were their cultural roots.  They must have been missing their home countries when they celebrated their festivals. In the long run they who had such strong spirits helped develop America into a big country today.


Andrew said Australians should not be thought of as the same as Americans just because they speak English.  It was very valuable to see their way of thinking in this sense.


It was good to learn about the relationship between “New Amsterdam” and “New Holland”


これから参加者を増やす方策を考えないといけないですね。(⌒-⌒; )

I felt sorry that there were not very many attendees, but it was a very good seminar. We have to think about how to get more people to attend the next event.



I learned about the History of Halloween for the first time from Lia’s speech. I used to just have fun on Halloween as well as on St. Valentine’s Day, but I can explain the history to other people from now on.


From David’s speech, I learned about how American people prepare

for Halloween and celebrate it and how American children love Halloween and look forward to it.


Andrew told us that Halloween is not popular in Australia.  He also told us why that is the case.

I had thought they celebrated Halloween in Australia, too.  He also told us about some seasonal festivals in southern hemisphere.



It was very enjoyable and I was happy to have such an opportunity to listen to interesting English speeches in person.  I really had a very good time at this Halloween seminar.


講師の方々の 誠実 熱心なお話 とても和やかな雰囲気 ドキドキと感動をしつつ 楽しませて頂きました。

The speakers were very sincere, eager and relaxed.  It was a very exciting seminar for me.  I enjoyed it a lot.

お手間をかけたプリント ハロウィンマスクの準備 大変だったでしょうね。そして 講師の方々の 誠実 熱心なお話にハロウィンの事がよく分かり良かったです。参加者が少なく 内容に対して勿体なさすぎだと思いました 。 講座の参加費を集めては如何ですか?

Printed material and masks had been prepared for us.  It must have been very time consuming to prepare for the seminar.  I learned a lot about Halloween and I now know more about the festival.  The speakers helped me understand it. Their attitudes were very kind and they were well spoken.

It is a shame that not so many people attended such a wonderful seminar. Next time an admission fee should be charged.



The three speakers’ presentations were so interesting and were a good combination, contrasting their unique points of views with each other.

Lia dedicatedly told us about the history of Halloween. David described traditional American Halloween celebrations. It sounded very American.


Andrew is from Australia and said that when the first settlers arrived in Australia, it was called New Holland. They have not celebrated Halloween since then because of the British influence on their country.

終了後に参加者の一人が、「大学生・高校生に聞かせたいお話でした、 もっと若い方たちの参加があればよかったです。残念です。」と申されていました。 ・・・・私もそう思いました。Trick or Treat のパフォ-マンスは良かったです。

After the seminar, one participant said that this seminar should have been shared with university students and high school students.  She felt sorry about that.  No young people were there. I agree with her. The Trick or Treating activity was also good.

